PRISM Maddie-Night Snow

Friday, December 30, 2011
Okay the genius of PRISM, Journey McLaglen, has honored me with an early release and this one is SO cute! It is the Prism Maddie-Night Snow and look at the cute wee booties and snowpuffs attached to 'em! Adorable! With knits so textured you can truly almost reach out and touch.

Also, straight from Herradura, some more info for you all.."There are 2 alpha butts so depending on your viewer you might have to add the second alpha. You do have to wear the shoe alpha but depending on your butt size you might go without the butt alpha" so there you have it, ladies, you know the drill Wear or Add or Shrink your tush but either way get out there tomorrow and grab this adorable number up for a cute way to ring in the New Year and look good doing it!

Thank you, Journey, for making us all look a bit better! Everyone, you make sure you head to PRISM today!!

outfit-PRISM Maddie-Night Snow
hair-BAISTICE Moira-Red
Nails-FINESMITH Solid Nails in Blue
Jewels-MOOD Bravo Diamond earrings