Thursday, August 4, 2011
Ohh boy my loves! Finesmith Designs has done it again! Yula heard the thoughts in my head and -BAM- solid nails are here! Here I am showing you only a few examples of the most amazing and vibrant nail colors I have come across in some time! This first one is show the Solid Yellow and the Solid Black and even against the black background, those dark nails shine through! That is quality cool at its finest..err Finesmithest?

But you want to see closeup? You want to see how well made and designed these are? Well here you go. S close-up of these color-rich beauties! Not only that but these are only 55L for Thursday but they are simply must-haves everyday!

So with a selection of colors ranging from black, blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, white and yellow there is somethign for every occasion so you cant NOT get these! So rush on over to Finesmith's toda and tell 'em the House of Hax sent ya!

Until then, xoxoxo